International Grand Prix for Radio

First held in 1989, International Grand Prix for Radio, organized by URTI (International University of radio and TV) is a yearly event. The Grand Prix is awarded to the cultural program which is noteworthy for the quality of its production, the originality of its ideas, the universality of its language and for its specific radio style treatment. Thus URTI confirms the idea that due to its power of imaginative persuasion, its flexibility of program production and the simplicity of its broadcasting technique, radio remains the irreplaceable and powerful in fulfilling the people’s cultural and educational needs.

The Ukrainian Radio’s entries:

2005 – "The woman was sowing the golden stone" (producer: Halyna Babiy)

2006 – "Street children" (producer: Alina Akulenko) and "Le monde en couleurs" (producer: Oleksandra Tanaskova)
2007 – “Scope” (producer: Tetiana Harbul)
2010 – “Advancement” (producer Andriy Klymchyk)
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